
Skin laser treatment is also known as laser skin resurfacing. It is a procedure that reduces wrinkles, acne scars, and lesions. Here is a detailed overview of the skin laser treatment cost in India.
Vitiligo That Causes Skin Pigmentation Loss. It Can Present As Patches Of White Skin On The Body.
Vaginoplasty Is A Procedure That Aims To "tighten Up" A Vagina That's Become Slack Or Loose From Vaginal Childbirth Or Aging.
Tummy Tuck Or Abdominoplasty Is A Cosmetic Surgical Procedure That Helps Flatten The Abdomen By Removing Excess Fat And Skin. It Also Tightens The Muscle.
Treatments Which Are Done To Make Cosmetic Changes To Make A Person Look Younger.
Treating Baldness With Minoxidil Treatment To Slow Down Hair Loss Or Hair Transplant.
This Procedure Helps In Melting Or Reducing Fat Deposits By Infusing Drugs Through Injection.
The treatment of rashes by creams, oral medication and mousturizing lotions.
The treatment given for permanent hair loss from the scalp, patterns of baldness for men and women.
The removal of skin tags by surgery and electrosurgery.
The Fat Is Sucked Out From The Back Through This Procedure.

MCh - Plastic Surgery
King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College|1995
MS - General Surgery
Kanpur University|1991
Kanpur University|1987
MCh - Plastic Surgery
King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College|1995
MS - General Surgery
Kanpur University|1991
Kanpur University|1987

Awards in school best naval cadet best boxer out standing service award 1995-96 by rotaryclub seaside organised cadeveric flap dissection work shop in 2002
Awards in school best naval cadet best boxer out standing service award 1995-96 by rotaryclub seaside organised cadeveric flap dissection work shop in 2002