
Laser Gum Surgery Is A Tissue-Preserving, Regenerative, And Bone-Building Procedure To Treat Periodontal Disease.
Laser Depigmentation Is One Way To Remove The Dark Pigments.
Laminates Are Wafer-Thin, Custom-Made Shells Of Tooth-Coloured Materials Designed To Cover The Front Surface Of Teeth To Improve Your Appearance.
Jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, corrects irregularities of the jaw bones and realigns the jaws and teeth to improve the way they work.
It Is The Process Of Restoring The Natural Colour Of Teeth By Removing Stains From The Tooth Surface
Implant-Retained Dentures Are Dentures That Are Held In Place By Dental Implants But Put Most Of The Force Of Your Bite On Your Gums.
When Inflammation Or Infection Persists In The Bony Area Around The End Of Your Tooth After A Root Canal Procedure, An Apicoectomy Is Performed
The medical term for a professional dental cleaning, prophylaxis is purely a preventive measure. Part of your dental checkup, prophylaxis is used to remove dental plaque and other irritants from the oral cavity.
Temporary (or immediate) dentures are dentures that are inserted immediately following tooth extraction. They'll help protect your gums while you heal and make the transition to permanent dentures easier.
Smile Design Treatment Is A Cosmetic Treatment That Focuses On Improving The Appearance Of Your Smile Through Certain Procedures Such As Dental Veneers, Composite Bonding, Teeth Whitening And Tooth Implant.
Regular dental exams are a critical part of preventive health care. During a dental exam, the dentist or hygienist will clean your teeth and check for cavities and gum disease. The exam includes evaluating your risk of developing other oral problems and checking your face, neck and mouth for abnormalities.

Christian Medical College, Ludhiana|2018
Christian Medical College, Ludhiana|2012
Christian Medical College, Ludhiana|2018
Christian Medical College, Ludhiana|2012
